Wednesday, March 31, 2010
You wanna see something funny? Watch me jump over the threshhold when mom opens the door for me to come in the house. I run really really fast like mighty dog (that dog I see on the commercials who isn't as cute as me but he is an actor so he gets paid for being sorta cute) then I jump through the air and over the threshhold. Every time my mom says, "dadadada! Superdog" Yah, who needs to get paid for that? It's awesome. :}
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Little brother
My big sister, Danielle, came to see me this weekend. She missed me so much she came all the way from Ogden just to see me! I didn't disappoint her, I jumped and wagged and snuggled her all weekend long. She loves me and told me all about how much she missed me and how cute I am and made sure I have been being a good boy. I'm the luckies little brother. She loves Gracie too of course. I guess she was here the day they brought Gracie home 5 years ago from the pound (shutter) and helped nurse her back to health. Danielle was there the day mom came to get me too. I just love her and she loves me and even though she gets disgusted when mom and I play patty cake and peek-a-boo or make out....deep down I know she is just too embarassed to have public displays of affection. So now I'm a closet snuggler. I don't really care as long as I get the cuddles. We play king of the world but she won't let me kiss her.
Danielle has to go back to school though tomorrow and it will be sad for a while but I'll talk to her on the phone and see pictures of her until she comes back again. AND we will have cabean time this summer.
It's good to be me.
Danielle has to go back to school though tomorrow and it will be sad for a while but I'll talk to her on the phone and see pictures of her until she comes back again. AND we will have cabean time this summer.
It's good to be me.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I am training to be an OlympicVault Gymnast. I do this by walking the side of the bathtub. I am very graceful and I even turn perfectly at the corners. I am very precise and agile. Everyone will be amazed at my skill. Mom said I am so amazing that she is going to video tape it to show off my mad skills. I'm working on doing a somersault on the vault and landing paws down. It is going to be awesome!
Why do I get in trouble for running to the door barking when the other two don't. I don't bark at the airplanes that fly up in the sky like Gracie does.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I sit by the window at the same time every night and wait for my mom. I can hear her car and I wait until she gets halfway up the driveway and then I jump down and run to the front door waiting for her like a spastic jumping bean. I can't help it. I love her so much! I go all day long without seeing her. All day. That is a long time. I just wish my mom was faster. She drives too slow and it takes her forever to get out of her car and to the door. I wait and I wait. But it is so worth it when she opens that door and says, "Baby boy I missed you so so so much today!" "You're the best boy ever".
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wabbit is GOOD!
They call me kitty for many reasons. One is that I am a mouse catchin' fool! Up here in the open wilderness of the big sky and land of free running I happen to come upon many animals. Some I am afraid of such as the coyotes. Well okay so far they are the only ones I am afraid of. I've been known to play with other dogs, wander around the horses and bring home to occasional deer leg. I'm not saying I took the deer down but I did find the leg and had to "drag" it home because I couldn't quite carry it. I have an exceptional sense of smell. I bring mice home ALL the time.
Well I just happened to come across a little bunny and mom found out because she saw it on the front lawn when she let me out and I wanted to play with the dead bunny some more as it was right where I left it. I didn't get it trouble but mom did take it away and put it in the garbage can where I can't get it. :( The worst part is that I had to get my teeth brushed afterwards. She knows I hate that! But I like giving her kisses even if she won't let me kiss her on the mouth so I have to have good breath to do that. She always is telling me, take a breath mint and even offers me one (because she is the best mom) but I don't care much for them so I leave them on the floor.
Elmer Fudd's got nothing on me.
Well I just happened to come across a little bunny and mom found out because she saw it on the front lawn when she let me out and I wanted to play with the dead bunny some more as it was right where I left it. I didn't get it trouble but mom did take it away and put it in the garbage can where I can't get it. :( The worst part is that I had to get my teeth brushed afterwards. She knows I hate that! But I like giving her kisses even if she won't let me kiss her on the mouth so I have to have good breath to do that. She always is telling me, take a breath mint and even offers me one (because she is the best mom) but I don't care much for them so I leave them on the floor.
Elmer Fudd's got nothing on me.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Bed Bugs
I am trying to sleep and I swear something bites me which freaks me out and I have to jump up and scratch the hell out of my neck (with my back feet by the way and that is very talented of me). I also think it makes me fart.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hidden Treats
I got St. Patrick Day treats and they are hidden in the closet. I know because I can see them. Up in their clear shiny little bags with shamrocks on them. They call to me, Kitty (trailing off into the distant....Keeeetie). If I'm good I get one. Ok, even when I'm a monster I get one. But I love them and I love my mom and my Auntie who bought them for me. I am one lucky dog. If only I were taller.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Ok you wouldn't believe how hard the wind blows up here on the hill. I kid you not I am so little that it could and maybe someday it will pick me right up and take me away like in a tornado except it's not a tornado. It is a kind of wind that goes straight not twirly. It makes the house shake and even tore tiles off the roof before, but I wasn't born then. I even wonder how the horses stand up in it. Yes it is that strong.
I am thinking it is not very cool to go out and potty in the wind and when I do it sometimes blows pee on my foot and then I'm all like embarassed. It is a really strong wind.
I am thinking it is not very cool to go out and potty in the wind and when I do it sometimes blows pee on my foot and then I'm all like embarassed. It is a really strong wind.
Tonight I just feel so aggressive. I'm cranky. My mom was gone all day. I was loney and now I'm just cranky. I had a shower and a hair cut. No I don't go to the groomer. I am a white dog that lives with horses in the red sand of southern utah it is a full time job keeping me clean enough to be an inside pup where I can live in comfort and joy.
My girl Bella is getting on my nerves. We play all the time and she is very tolerant of my ankle biting and constant rough housing and I have no right to growl at her when I am cranky like this. I guess I just need to go to bed.
Good night I will sleep tight cuddled up to my mom. (if she'll let my crabby ass close to her)
My girl Bella is getting on my nerves. We play all the time and she is very tolerant of my ankle biting and constant rough housing and I have no right to growl at her when I am cranky like this. I guess I just need to go to bed.
Good night I will sleep tight cuddled up to my mom. (if she'll let my crabby ass close to her)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Workin for a living
All day long I sit at the window and watch for my mom to come home. I steal her hair scrunchies and play with them so today I sat on the bed and looked out the window with her hair bow between my paws and my head resting on it and waited. And when she gets home it is pinball time.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I wasn't even outside very long but we live in the freakin desert and a cactus jumped right out and down right attacked me! I have cactus from my shoulder and neck to my hip and butt. I cannot even tell you how uncomfortable I am. I can't roll on them because that hurts worse. Mommy tried to pull all the big ones out but there are some tiny ones in groups that there is just no way she can get them all. I am so sad. I cannot even think of anything worse right now. Maybe frostbite but that is the only thing. That and a broken bone. Frostbite and a broken bone would be worse than a cactus but that's about it. Unless I was electrocuted, that would be bad too or getting stepped on by a horse that might be as bad but not worse.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Like a Weekend Every Day
With Jerri home it is like the weekend all the time. It's awesome I don't have to be locked up waiting for someone to get home. I am out and playing all day long. The next 10 weeks will spoil me but I'm worth it. And it helps me sleep better because I get to play and we all know mommy appreciates that. Lately I have been obsessed with Bella's ass. I know some dogs are ear dogs, some are chest dogs, some are eye dogs, me....i like a good smelly butt. Thank goodness Bella has gas all the time and it makes me very happy. I have to find the smell first but she toots loud so I hear it first then I sniff her out. She loves me and I love her, the good and the bad.
Monday, March 8, 2010
I always have to watch my mom. I swear she gets lost so easy. I have to make sure she follows me to the front door when I have to go outside. Every several steps I stop and check "is she still behind me". Who knows where she could end up! When she is getting my supper I make sure I keep an eye on her. She has that bowl and she could set it down somewhere and forget where she put it (rumor has it she doesn't have a great memory). I could starve!! I'm most worried when she first gets home from the day where she leaves me all day long because she probably forgest where she livess and she lets me outside to potty. Every time and I mean every time she first lets me out I stop and I look back at her as if to say, "MOM, you were lost all damn day. I couldn't find you and it took you along time to find your way back home. I don't know if it's okay to leave you in the house now all alone because you must be devastaed and shouldn't be left alone." She gives me this sweetest smile and I say it's okay Kitty you need to potty and she is right but I always think to myself as I give her my sweet doe eyed look that speaks volumes of love to her, "you are so right mom I really have to pee but stay right there!"
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Mom falls asleep with the tv on and it bugs me. It bugs me so much that I will jump down from my fluffy comfy pillow up on the bed to the hard and cold floor until she decides to settle down and turn the tv down. Does she not know it is quiet sleepy time? I will tolerate the bright screen if I have to. The ONLY thing worse is if she has the computer in bed. This make me CRAZY!!! the constant clicking and tapping. It down right annoys me to no end. She knows it too. I give her the evil eye, I shift around repeatedly and usually get down tolerating the hard cold floor until she shuts it down. During the day I get bothered too when she pays more attention to this dumb computer than she does to me. I have learned to walk on the keyboard, paw at her arm and hands and getting my nose right up to her face until she gets the damn hint that she should scratch my belly with that energy that her fingers need to expend.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
So things are kind of weird around here with Jerri in the hospital. Gracie and Bella are all freakin out because their mama is gone, wah frickity wah. They are clingy and trying to take my moms attention. Needy bitches.
I'm making my mom crazy I just know it. See I get excited because the girls are excited to be hanging out with me more because their mom is gone. Like the first night. They got to sleep in the bedroom with us and Gracie was up on moms (MY) bed. Mom lets her sleep up there because she is the oldest and it is respect thing. When mom and Jerri got Gracie she was very sick and weak. She came from a shelter and had been out running with the wrong crowd. So I wasn't sure if Gracie would be mad if I jumped up on moms bed. I tried it. But then I thought well Bella is on the floor maybe I should lay with her so I hopped down. Then I thought well I miss my mom and I always sleep with her so I jumped back up. Then Bella looked lonely so I went back to the floor with her and while I was down there I figured maybe it is time to play...hell I can't tell time so midnight means nothing to me. I got in trouble and came back up on the bed where I wouldn't cause trouble. My routine is all messed up though and I had to go through that cycle every two hours.
The next night mom made the girls sleep out in the living room. I still got up every two hours.
This photo demonstrates how I should have looked the last two nights.
I'm making my mom crazy I just know it. See I get excited because the girls are excited to be hanging out with me more because their mom is gone. Like the first night. They got to sleep in the bedroom with us and Gracie was up on moms (MY) bed. Mom lets her sleep up there because she is the oldest and it is respect thing. When mom and Jerri got Gracie she was very sick and weak. She came from a shelter and had been out running with the wrong crowd. So I wasn't sure if Gracie would be mad if I jumped up on moms bed. I tried it. But then I thought well Bella is on the floor maybe I should lay with her so I hopped down. Then I thought well I miss my mom and I always sleep with her so I jumped back up. Then Bella looked lonely so I went back to the floor with her and while I was down there I figured maybe it is time to play...hell I can't tell time so midnight means nothing to me. I got in trouble and came back up on the bed where I wouldn't cause trouble. My routine is all messed up though and I had to go through that cycle every two hours.
The next night mom made the girls sleep out in the living room. I still got up every two hours.
This photo demonstrates how I should have looked the last two nights.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Love the Family
There is company at my house this week...well for the next month and it is fiiiine with me. You know why? Because everyone loves me. I'm not scary like Gracie and I'm not a big push you around dog like Bella though I love her to pieces. I'm just damn cute and everyone loves me. Sure they have to hide their shoes from me but they don't seem to mind. They are afraid to make Gracie do anything because she is kind of a cranky ornery old bitch (she is an awesome watch dog though and a lover at heart). Gracie is stubborn too but I on the other hand am a free spirit, ready and willing to love and be loved. The more the merrier! Invite the friends and family and neighbors over because they all say how cute I am and I don't even care that every single one of them makes fun of my name because you know what??? I am an original. Yep, like a "boy named Sue".
If I could plan these parties I would and I would be busy all the time. We would have rodeo parties where we all chase each other around for hours and hours. We could ride ponies (well under ponies), hike the back country, sniff out the mice and explore where the bobcats and coyotes roam here. Yep a big party all the time and doggie treats for everyone. My Auntie Michelle in SL "makes" her puppy treats. I must talk to her and get my mom on board of that train.
Here is my fun partying happy face.
If I could plan these parties I would and I would be busy all the time. We would have rodeo parties where we all chase each other around for hours and hours. We could ride ponies (well under ponies), hike the back country, sniff out the mice and explore where the bobcats and coyotes roam here. Yep a big party all the time and doggie treats for everyone. My Auntie Michelle in SL "makes" her puppy treats. I must talk to her and get my mom on board of that train.
Here is my fun partying happy face.
Chelsea is in.....Let the fun begin.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mom: "Chelsea! What do you have?"
Me: Running away..... " don't know, you don't know my life, I'm out here playing all the time unsupervised and I get by just fine" Run Run Run
Mom: "Spit it out"
Me: Running faster in the other direction because I"m smarter than mom.
Me: Running away..... " don't know, you don't know my life, I'm out here playing all the time unsupervised and I get by just fine" Run Run Run
Mom: "Spit it out"
Me: Running faster in the other direction because I"m smarter than mom.
My Bum's Broke
I got a booboo. I must have been playing rodeo dog or catch me chase game with Bella and turfed it. I think I bruised my hip or knee or some other part that is covered in hair because mom looked and can't see anything weird. Hey, I'm no wuss. It's not like I go around limping, crying...oh my hip, oh my hip...wahhh. Nope that's not me. I don't flinch when mom is checking it out and rotating my little legs around to see if it hurts in one spot. I'm not sure what I did but I do know one thing - in this case, "white dog can't jump". I have a hard time hopping up on the couch now, onto the bed, even jumping up into the arms of anyone who will hold me. It's like my damn hip is out and I'm only 1 1/2 years old. The whole world would be a lot easier if everyone would just live less than 24" off the ground.
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