

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Oh how time flies. I think I should start blogging again. My goal is to blog 3 days this week. There is a lot to catch up on. Much has happened in 'literally years'.  I'm excited to write again. I have stories to tell still.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I am so Thankful on this holiday because the truth is, I've never known what it's like to not be loved. I know Gracie
 and Bella
have known this and that makes me cry.  I have known nothing but love and comfort and safety and I am thankful for that.

My fellow puppy friends and all animals that have a home that is warm and full of love remember to be grateful. (especially for our moms)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


See how happy it makes us to play outdoors! She doesn't start that 4 wheeler without me jumping on back even if she is just parking it.

End of Summer Please

I think I've heard mom say 20+ times that the 100 degree temps are over.  That three weeks of sweet 90's and some rain was nothing more than nature teasing us.  In the summer I get a haircut every few weeks and it's so nice.  In the winter I still get a haircut every few weeks and it's just a pain in the ass.  Mom seems to think these haircuts are necessary.  I bring a few pieces of dirt, hay, grass, weeds, dirt and a bug or two and sleep on her bed, on the pillow next to her head and all of a sudden she wants to cut and wash me all the time.  If you ever see a picture of me on here with a pink bow you know where to find me!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Baby

People came to visit me (or maybe mom and Jerri) and there were little kids. They were ok but I'm use to just chilling and not having midgets pawing at me.  But I love these little kids and let me tell you why.  Do you know where babies come from? I just found out.  People from Idaho with kids bring babies.

I have a new baby.  His name is Baby Monkey and I love him. I thought I lost him once when he wasn't where I thought I left him on the back of the couch.  Mom saw the concern on my face and asked me, "Where's your baby monkey"? I looked and looked because I knew I left it up there. She told me "go find your baby".  In 15 seconds I was back with my baby monkey. Silly me, I forgot I took him for a walk in the living room.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Conversations with Mommy

She hears me but I don't think she listens to what I have to say.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Snuggle bug

I love getting so snuggly that when I lift my head up my  hair is smashed to my little face. It makes my mom laugh and hold my face in her hands telling me how cute I am and that I look sleepy and she loves me.